The original iPhone cost over of $150 million dollars to develop and has fundamentally changed the way we consume content.
Whilst the majority of blue chip companies have leveraged this innovative technology, SMEs repeatedly try (and fail) to modify existing content in the hope that it delivers through mobile. If you want to mobilise your business, it’s important to consider the following:
Your mobile website should display content that captures a customer’s attention for the first time. If an existing customer has downloaded your app, your content should encourage brand loyalty. If you’re interrupting your customer’s day with a targeted message, the content should be time sensitive.
The human attention span is limited. If your content looks difficult to digest at first glance your customers will look elsewhere. Consider splitting up blocks of text with bullet points, quotes, and eye-catching images.
Whilst this could apply to all or any content, it’s especially true for mobile. Your customers may be on the move with a few seconds to spare and dividing their attention between a dozen notifications. Cut the long paragraphs and get to the point.
Your message will only get read if your head-line grabs your customer’s attention. I would recommend using no more than 12 words and summarise your strongest benefit.
No campaign is perfect first time. You need to monitor message delivery, open rates, and the response to your content. It’s important to keep a record of what works, and make calculated changes over time.
If this sounds like far too much work, we’re on hand to help. Our specialists can advise you on how best to mobilise your business and deliver engaging content.